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会上,智能车辆团队边有钢副研究员作特邀报告“智能运载系统及其在海洋工程装备领域的应用探索”(Intelligent Vehicle Systems: Application Exploration in the Field of Ocean Engineering Equipment),介绍了智能运载系统的概念及团队在智能海洋工程装备领域的应用探索,引发参会学者们积极思考,并踊跃提问。研究生叶俊和张俊杰分别作汇报“Depth Control of An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using Reinforcement Learning”和“Distributed Model Predictive Surge Speed and Depth Control of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles”,针对水下资源勘探重要装备AUV的运动控制,分别介绍了基于ADP和DMPC的控制方法,相关研究成果得到了评委的肯定,并获Outstanding Student Presentation奖。


▲研究生叶俊作“Depth Control of An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using Reinforcement Learning”汇报

▲研究生张俊杰作“Distributed Model Predictive Surge Speed and Depth Control of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles”汇报

▲张俊杰获Outstanding Student Presentation奖